UV-C LED Germicidal Technology
Home / UV-C LED Germicidal Technology
Destroy Germs, Bacteria, and virus strands With ultra violet light.

Clean Touch™ Destroys at the DNA & RNA Level
Clean Touch™ LED technology works by directly targeting the DNA and RNA molecules of bacteria, viruses, and molds.
When the DNA and RNA of these pathogens are exposed to 270 nanometer UV-C radiation, a chemical change occurs in the nucleic acids resulting in a corruption in the genetic code.
Once its genetic code has been corrupted, the pathogen is no longer able to replicate itself, quickly resulting in the death and elimination of viral and bacterial colonies.
This rearrangement results in an altered genetic code that inactivates the pathogen. This alteration is called dimerization.
Ultraviolet (UV) light emitting diodes (LEDs) are an emerging technology for surface disinfection. UV LEDs emitting UV-C irradiation have proven effective in inactivating bacterial, viral and protozoan pathogen surrogates and have been demonstrated for point-of-use disinfection (Chatterley and Linden, 2010, Bowker et al., 2011, Lui et al., 2016).
UV-C LEDs have enormous potential since they are smaller, lighter, and less fragile than traditional mercury vapor lamps (Vilhunen, 2010). Additionally, they are mercury-free and provide the capability to be turned on and off instantaneously.
Considerable research has evaluated UV-C LEDs at various wavelengths for pathogen inactivation. Several studies have evaluated the efficacy of germicidal UV LED irradiation, emitted in relatively narrow bandwidths (nominal full width at half maximum, FWHM, of 10–12 nm) at or near 255 nm, 265 nm, 269 nm, 275 nm, 280 nm, and 285 nm for inactivating Escherichia coli (Chatterley and Linden, 2010, Vilhunen, 2010, Bowker et al., 2011, Oguma et al., 2013, Oguma et al., 2016, Lui et al., 2016). At least two studies evaluated UV LEDs emitting at or near 250 nm, 270 nm, and 282 for inactivating Bacillus subtilis spores (Wurtele et al., 2011, Morris, 2012). Other research evaluated UV LEDs emitting at 255 nm and 275 nm for inactivating coliphage MS2 and T7 (Bowker et al., 2011). A recent study evaluated UV LEDs emitting at 285 nm for inactivating adenovirus 5, MS2, and QB (Oguma et al., 2016).

Benefits of The UVC Protected™ Clean Touch™

Versitile Placements
The Clean Touch™ kills over 99.99% of even the most difficult pathogens using the latest germicidal UV-C LED light.

No More Harsh Chemicals
Eliminates the need for chemical disinfection and allows the complete disinfection of items that are typically forgotten or “impossible” to clean.

Rapid Disinfection
With LED instant on technology, our powerful UV-C light takes less than 60 seconds to kill 99.99% of pathogens.

Plug and Play
Simply adhere / mount Clean Touch™ within 2 inches above the surface to be disinfected and plug into any USB port. The Clean Touch™ will automatically start and turn on and off.

The UVC Protected™ Clean Touch™ was designed to be compatible with a variety of keypad devices, such as payment terminals.

Safety First
With its motion-sensing technology, the Clean Touch™ UV-C lights instantly turn off when motion is detected near the surface ensuring consumer safety. Light will never contact skin.

Stop The Spread Of Viruses
COVID-19 is spreading quickly throughout our communities. Proper hygiene is at the forefront of prevention. To avoid exposure, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends practicing proper respiratory hygiene by coughing or sneezing into your elbow or a tissue and washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. The CDC also recommends cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces daily. With the Clean Touch, surfaces will be disinfected and sanitized after every use.
The UV-C Protected™ Clean Touch™ is designed to eliminate problems at the source. Clean Touch™ kills pathogens on the surfaces of inanimate objects and decreases cross-contamination. Clean Touch™ uses 275nm germicidal wavelength band to disinfect and sanitize surfaces.